Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Currently organizing my trip !

Incheon Airport

Long time no see huh? I wanted to post earlier but with my final exams at university, my moving out and the organization of my trip, I didn't find the time. Anyway I'm back !

I booked my flight for South Korea. I'm leaving France the 3rd september ! That's so close but I can't realize that I'm really gonna spend one year there. A part of me can't wait for going there and the other part stays relax and wonders sometimes if I could be disappointed (you never know!).

Last week I got my certificate of admission from the CUK and this week I sent my visa application to the embassy. Now I wait for their response but I heard that it's not so difficult to get a visa for studying in Korea. I pray for that everything goes well ! I should get the response next week.

Beside all the boring papers you have to care of when you want to study abroad, I think I'm starting to be stressed about the trip.
I already went to Korea, and I already went to the CUK so you can think it will be easy for me, and I hope so but I think things are gonna be very different from the first time. The trip will last longer yeah, but it's not the only thing.

I met a lot of persons when I went to Korea and I know that I won't meet them again and so on, for differents reason. Ahah here comes the nostalgy ! Hmm never mind, I don't want to complain, I'll be in Seoul next 4th september !!!!! I'm thinking about writing a next post about the friendship in Korea and how I feel it from my french point of view.

Well it was a post for saying nothing, next time I'll continue talking about my former trip in South Korea and, starting from september I will make you discover the things the same way I'll discover ! I plan to make some videos too, keep on following me ! (:

Seo Eri